Founded in 2009, SignedOn provides website development and website administration services. We believe that technology should solve problems, not be one itself. We leverage open source systems for content management and e-commerce, with marketing, operations, and accounting knowledge to help organizations maximize their potential online.

In the last two years, our focus has shifted to building and maintaining WordPress, WooCommerce, and Magento websites. We utilize well-supported plugins and 3rd party integrations to achieve robust functionality with low upkeep costs. We host sites for our customers, keeping them both live and secure. This includes us updating application core files, plugins, and themes on a regular basis, performing daily backups and archiving them for safe keeping.

Our business is typically based on a referral, or because we help identify a problem we can solve. We strive to satisfy our customers’ customers. We see development projects as a collaborative effort between our team and yours. Site administration/hosting services are offered to assist your team with it’s long term goals.

We look forward to the opportunity to work with your organization and hope to maintain a long term service provider relationship.

Schedule a free project evaluation today!

Let’s set up virtual meeting where we can discuss your organization’s needs and evaluate if working together is a good fit.

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We're Based In

Harvard Square

Cambridge, MA

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24/7 Support

(888) 272-7511 ext. 2

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